Resident fonts
The printer offers a variety of resident fonts in HP emulation
mode. Character samples of each font are included later in this
appendix. The following table lists the resident fonts available in
HP emulation mode. Five fonts marked with an asterisk (*) are
available only with a LaserJet IIISi driver or by using a printer
command. See page B-8 for more information.
Courier bold
Courier italic
Software name
Line printer
EPSON Roman T Bold
EPSON Roman T Italic
EPSON Roman T Bold Italic
Line printer
CG Times
EPSON Sans serif U
EPSON Sans serif U Italic
EPSON Sans serif U Bold
EPSON Sans serif U Bold Italic
EPSON Sans serif U Medium Condensed*
EPSON Sans serif U Bold Condensed*
EPSON Sans serif U Medium Condensed Italic*
EPSON Sans serif U Bold Condensed Italic’
ITC Zapf Dingbats*
ITC Zapf Dingbats
You can use your application program to select a resident font.
Select the font name in the right column from your software.
Symbol sets
Your printer can access a variety of symbol sets. Many of these
symbol sets differ only in the international characters specific to
each language. This appendix provides character tables for the
symbol sets available in HP emulation mode. The table shows both
the characters and their hexadecimal values.
Appendix B