Technical Specifications
R4C3810 Reference Guide
Rev. C
A5 size APTEC.FM
9/30/99 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
ABE K.Tsuno M.Takata_______
M.Takata _______
ABE J.Holmes _______
The column heading ”Direction” refers to the direction of signal flow in
to or out of the printer.
Compatibility mode: Latch pulse used to read in print data. When
low, DATA is valid
Negotiation phase: Latch pulse used to read in extensibility
request values
Nibble mode: Always high
ECP mode: Used to transfer data and addresses from the host to
the printer with handshaking via PeriphAck (Busy)
DATA1 to DATA8 (bidirectional, but may always be an input if
ECP or EPP mode is not supported)
Compatibility mode: Forward channel data
Negotiation phase: Extensibility request value
18 OUT PeripheralLogicHigh
19 - 30 GND
31 IN nlnit nReverse
32 OUT nFault nDataAvail nPeriphRequest
33 GND
34 NC
35 OUT +5V
36 IN nSelectln IEEE1284 Active
Pin No. Direction IEEE 1284-B connector
Compatibility Nibble ECP