Checking and changing printer driver settings
Before printing, check that the printer driver settings on the Paper
and Graphics menus are appropriate for the kind of document you
want to print, and change settings as needed. When you are
finished making changes, click
to apply the settings, or click
Restore Defaults
to return the settings to their factory defaults.
Paper menu
❏ Paper size Select the size of the paper loaded in
the printer. If you don’t see your paper
size, use the scroll bar to scroll through
the list. If your paper size is not included
in the list, click
and enter the
paper size in the dialog box that appears.
❏ Orientation Select
❏ Paper source Click the paper source you want to use.
Graphics menu
❏ Resolution Click the printing resolution you want.
❏ Dithering You can leave this option set to
which is the default setting, or select
another dithering pattern, depending
on the kind of printout you want. The
display to the left of the dithering options
shows the effect of your setting.
❏ Intensity Move the slider to make your printout
lighter or darker.
Once you’ve checked your printer driver settings, you are ready
to print. If you have any trouble while printing, see Chapter 7,
“Troubleshooting,” for solutions.
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Setting Up Your Software