When you have finished adding or deleting devices and are
back to the Modify DEVICE LIST menu, press 0 and then
Enter again. The screen displays the modified DEVICE LIST
for a final check. If the list is correct, press Y and Enter. Do
not press 0 to exit to the OPERATION MENU.
You are now ready to select a test.
Selecting a Test
Prom the DEVICE LIST, select the device you wish to test.
Type the number of the device; then press Enter.
test begins, you are asked how many times to perform the test.
You see this menu:
Number of times to test device
- Run test one time
2 -
Run test multiple times
- Exit
Enter selection number:
You can specify that the test be performed one time only or any
number of times in the range from 1 to 9999. In almost all
cases, running a test only once is sufficient. Running a test
multiple times is for reliability testing of specialized functions
To perform the test once, press 1 and Enter. The program
then may display a submenu of more detailed tests for the
device you are checking.
Performing System Diagnostics