Making PC Diskettes
1. Prepare two blank formatted diskettes and label them diskette 1 and diskette 2.
2. Make sure Windows is running.
3. Insert the EPSON Stylus Photo 700 CD-ROM.
4. In Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, the installer program starts automatically
and you see the EPSON Setup CD window. (If it doesn’t start, click Start, select
Run, and type D:\Setup700 [substitute the correct drive letter]; then click OK.)
In Windows 3.1, select Run from the File menu. Then type D:\Setup700
(substitute the correct drive letter) and click OK.
5. At the EPSON Setup CD screen, click the Make Diskettes button. Select your
operating system and click OK. Follow the instructions on screen to create the
diskettes. Use the diskettes you created to install the printer software on your
computer. See page 7 for instructions.
Making Macintosh Diskettes
Before making diskettes from the CD-ROM, name the formatted diskettes you’ll use
Disk 1 and Disk 2, using a capital “D” and a space between Disk and the number. If
they’re not named correctly, the diskettes won’t be able to install your software.
1. Turn on the Macintosh and turn off any virus protection programs, as necessary.
2. Insert the EPSON Stylus Photo 700 CD-ROM.
3. Double-click the EPSON CD-ROM Disk 1 folder.
4. Insert the diskette you named Disk 1.
5. Select all the icons in the CD-ROM Disk 1 folder and drag them to the Disk 1
icon on your desktop.
6. After the files have been copied, eject Disk 1. Then repeat steps 3 through 5 for
the Disk 2 folder and diskette.
Use the diskettes to install the printer software on your Macintosh. See page 13 for
Comoro+ GS Booklet 3/17/98, 4:36 PM34