
Index 85
Monitoring ink level
Macintosh, 36
Windows, 31
without computer, 51
Moving printer, 57
MultiMediaCard, 13
Network printing, 63
Noise, printer, 64
Nozzle Check, 50, 62
Orientation setting
Macintosh, 33, 35
Windows, 30, 39
P.I.M., see PRINT Image Matching
Page Setup
Macintosh OS 8.6 to 9.x, 35
Macintosh OS X, 32
Epson, 12, 19, 22, 37, 38 to 41
feeding problems, 68
loading, 11 to 12
orientation, 11 to 12, 33, 35
Paper Size setting
Macintosh, 33, 35, 40, 41
Windows, 30, 39
Paper Source setting
Windows, 39
Paper Type setting, Windows, 30 to 31
accessing, 13 to 18
adjusting quality, 24 to 25
backing up, 16
copying to computer, 17
cropping, 25 to 27
displaying and storing, 12
printing with computer, 29 to 41
printing without computer, 19 to 28
saving to computer, 17
saving to external device, 16
sizing, 25 to 27
PhotoStarter, 18, 65
Preview monitor, 7, 64
Previewing printout, 36
Print CD software, EPSON, 41, 45 to 48
Print dialog box, 30, 33, 35
Print head
aligning, 55
cleaning, 50
Print Head Alignment utility, 55
PRINT Image Matching
description, 8
printing photos with, 24 to 25
Print position, CD/DVD, 45 to 47
Print quality
problems, 65 to 67
settings, 31, 33, 35
Print window, 30, 33, 35
cable, 75
check, 62
cleaning, 56
maintaining, 49 to 56
noise, 64
problems, 59 to 70
transporting, 57
Printing with a computer
basic, 30 to 34
borderless, 38 to 41
CDs and DVDs, 41 to 48
controlling, 31, 34, 36