Troubleshooting for Serial Interfaces
Printer prints one
character then stops
The EX uses the DIR signal and the
X-on/X-off protocol (via TXD) to tell the
computer whether it is ready to receive
characters or whether it is busy printing.
Refer to your computer’s documentation
and ensure that the computer is using
one of these systems. You may also need
to check your cable wiring or ask your
dealer to do it for you.
READY light flickers
but nothing is printed
Data is getting through to the printer
although it is not being printed. Make
sure that both the printer and computer
are using the same baud rate, number of
start and stop bits, and the same parity
All printing is garbled
Make sure that both the computer and
printer are set to use the same number of
data bits per word (8) and that they both
use the same parity, baud rates, and
number of start and stop bits.
Serial Interface Specifications
The EX built-in serial interface is an RS-232C asynchronous interface
with the following characteristics:
Data format
1 start bit
Data word length: 8 bits
Odd, even or no parity
1 stop bit
Signal level
Mark (1) -3 V to -27 V
Space(O) +3V to +27 V
The Serial Interface