FX Printer Features
You can obtain many different printing effects with the FX printer,
from arranging the printout on the paper to giving extra emphasis to
particular words and phrases. This chapter shows you the features you
may want to select with your software. Once you have read about the
features, you can find their commands in the Command Summary.
SelecType, as you know, controls the printing style of a whole
document. Software commands, on the other hand, can change
anything from a single character to the entire document.
Quality and Fonts
The most fundamental changes you can make to printing on the FX
are in the print quality and NLQ fonts.
The FX has two levels of print quality: draft and NLQ (Near Letter
Quality). Draft printing is fast, making it ideal for drafts and other
preliminary work. NLQ printing takes a little longer, but it produces
more fully-formed characters for presentation-quality documents.
The printout below shows the differences between draft, NLQ
Roman, and NLQ Sans Serif so that you can compare the different
styles and densities:
Draft printing is extremely fast.
NLQ Roman is clear and typewriter-like.
NLQ Sans Serif is crisp and distinctive.
SelecType gives you an easy way of changing the print quality and
NLQ font, but if you prefer to print in NLQ Roman most of the time,
you can select it with a DIP switch (see Appendix D). You can also
choose the print quality and NLQ font with software commands.
FX Printer Features