IBM Printer Emulation Mode
This section shows the characters available in IBM printer emulation
There are two main character tables: standard (CG Table 1) and
international (CG Table 2). The standard table is selected when DIP
switches 1-6 to 1-8 are all UP; the international table is selected by any
other setting of these three switches. You can also switch between the
two tables using the ESC 6 and ESC 7 commands.
To print characters from the symbol set use either the ESC
command or ESC \. For example, to print the symbol ΒΆ in BASIC
the command is as follows:
LPRINT CHR$(27);"^";CHR$(20);
If you use ESC ^ or ESC \ to send a non-printable code, a blank is
All three tables are the same for codes from 32 to 127, and the
symbol table is identical to the international table from 128 to 255.
Character Tables