Naming and using commands
In order to use printer commands, you should know how they are
recognized by your software program. The most common way of
naming codes or commands is with one of two numbering systems,
decimal or hexadecimal.
The decimal system is the standard numbering system based on
units of ten, using the numerals 0-9.
The hexadecimal, or hex, system is based on units of 16, and is
often used by programmers. Instead of using only the numerals 0
through 9, the hex system also uses the letters A through F. For
example, the decimal numbers 9, 10, 11, and 12 are 09, 0A, 0B,
and 0C in hex.
Since the most frequently used hexadecimal numbers are between
0 and FF hex (0 to 255 in decimal), it’s common to write
hexadecimal numbers that are less than 16 with a zero in front, as
shown above.
In this book, hex numbers are distinguished from decimal
numbers by the word hex after them (for example, 1B hex). Other
common ways of denoting a hexadecimal number are the following:
The Command Summary and the Quick Reference Card give both
the decimal and hex numbers for each command.
Unidirectional printing
The LQ printers have the advanced capability of printing text and
graphics bidirectionally. For exact alignment of some graphic images
you may want to select unidirectional printing. See ESC U in the
command summary.
Word processors
In many ways, word processors demand the most from your
printer. When you create and print a document, you may use many
print styles and fonts, reformat pages, add headers and footers, and
use bold, italic, and other effects.