Indeed, Master Select is such a powerful feature that it may occa-
sionally be more powerful than you want it to be. Because it controls
eight different modes, a Master Select code will cancel any of those
eight that are not selected. For example, suppose that you have a page
in elite and want part of it printing in italic. If you use ESCape “!” 64
to turn on italic, your LX-86 will begin printing in italic pica instead
of italic elite because the 64 code does not include elite. Use 65 for
italic elite.
Superscript and Subscript
Your LX-86 can also print superscripts and subscripts, which you
can use for mathematical formulas, footnotes, and other items that
require numbers or letters above or below the usual print line.
ESCape “SO" turns on superscript and ESCape "S1" turns on sub-
script. ESCape “T” turns off either one. You can enter either ESCape
“SO" or ESCape “Sl" in the master program, but that will print the
whole sentence in superscript or subscript. Some more realistic exam-
ples are below:
This fact is found in three sources.7
As you can see, you can use superscript or subscript for an indi-
vidual character. Just find out how to send printer codes in your
applications program; then send the proper codes to the printer.
Special Characters
The LX-86 has three groups of special characters that can add
distinction to your printing. Character Graphics, international
characters, and the special graphics set.
Epson character graphics set
The Character Graphics set includes characters used by IBM
and compatible computers as well as international characters used
by IBM software. The characters in the set are shown on the next
You select the Character Graphics set in one of two ways: with
an ESCape code or with a DIP switch.
The ESCape code in BASIC has the following format:
LPRINT CHR$(27)"t"CHR$(n)