
Introduction x
Original paper: AF50KS-E
Jujo Thermal Oy (Finland)
P.O. Box 92 FIN27501 Kauttua Finland
Tel: 38-3932900
Fax: 38-3932419
Original paper: P350(F380)
Kanzaki Specialty Papers, Inc.
1500 Main Street
Spring field, MA 01115 U.S.A.
Tel: (413) 736-3216
Fax: (413) 734-5101
Ordering Ribbon Cassettes
The TM-H5000II series printer uses a long-lasting ribbon cassette in
the slip section. To order ribbon cassettes, contact your dealer or
your local affiliate. See Appendix B for a list of EPSON subsidiaries
with their addresses and telephone numbers.
H5poir1.fm Page x Tuesday, July 14, 1998 12:36 PM