
1. For Mac OS X 10.5 users, open the System Preferences, and then double-click the Print & Fax
For Mac OS X 10.4 or below users, open the Applications folder, open the Utilities folder, and
then double-click Printer Setup Utility.
The Printer List window appears.
2. Click Add in the Printer List window.
3. Select the protocol or the interface that you are using from the pop-up list.
Note for AppleTalk users:
Make sure to select AppleTalk. Do not select EPSON AppleTalk, because it cannot be used with
the PostScript 3 printer driver.
Note for IP Printing users:
Make sure to select IP Printing. Do not select EPSON TCP/IP, because it cannot be used with
the PostScript 3 printer driver.
After selecting IP Printing, enter the IP address for the printer, then make sure to select the Use
default queue on server check box.
Note for USB users:
Make sure to select USB. Do not select EPSON USB, because it cannot be used with the PostScript
3 printer driver.
EPSON AcuLaser M8000 Series User's Guide
About the PostScript Printer Driver 223