The EPSON MX-80 F/T Dot Matrix Printer is a highly versatile, general-purpose and
computer-grade printer featuring 80 CPS bi-directional printing with logical seeking
capability and 9 X 9 dot-matrix character formation. The MX-80 F/T accepts the
ASCII 96 codes and codes for special characters/symbols (e.g..
It also
accepts codes for 64 graphic patterns.
Characters can be printed in any desired size - enlarged, condensed, emphasized,
normal, etc. The one-chip microprocessor is engaged in performing all functions of
the Printer and the two built-in stepper motors of the MX-80 F/T control the carriage
and paper feeding functions respectively. Therefore, versatile software controls,
such as horizontal and vertical tabs, and form feed are at your disposal.
The MX-80 F/T is capable of S-way paper handling such as fanfold paper,roll paper
and cut paper sheet.
In addition, various interface options are available to permit handshaking with most
personal computers.
Fig. 1.
EPSON MX-80 F/T Dot Matrix Printer