Chapter 5 Control Panel 82
*When the printer turnsoninAuto I/F mode and PR2mode,thismode isset
to Serial.
** When the printer turnsoninthe PR2mode,Packetmode issetOff.
This setting allows you to select the software format. When you
select ESC/P2, the printer operates in the EPSON ESC/P mode.
When youselect PR2orIBM PPDS, the printer emulates an Olivetti
or IBM printer.
High speed draft
In PR2 mode, this option is available in any pitch.
In other modes, this option is available when the pitch is 10 or 12
cpi (characters per inch). When you choose On,theprinterprints
up to 480 cps (characters per second) at 10 cpi. When you choose
Off, the printer prints up to 360 cps at 10 cpi.
I/F mode
The printer provides built-in slots for three kinds of interfaces;
Parallel, Serial, and USB. You can choose Auto (automatic),
Parallel, Serial,orUSB, for the interface mode. When you select
Auto, the printer automatically selects the interface that is
receiving data, and uses that interface until the end of the print
job. The Auto setting allows you to share the printer among
multiple computers without changing the interface mode. When
the printer turns on in Auto I/F mode and PR2 mode, this mode
is set to Serial.
If only one computer is connected to the printer, you can select
Parallel, Serial,orUSB depending on which interface your
computer uses.