6. Maintenance and Inspection
36 OP1 Rev.1a
6.6 Regular Maintenance Inspection
Performing the maintenance inspection in accordance with the schedule is essential to use the
Operator Panel in the best condition.
Inspection point of the ambient environment
- Is the ambient temperature suitable? 5 to 40 degC
- Is the ambient relative humidity suitable? 20 to 80%RH
- Does not corrosive gas exist?
Inside the Controller Box is the ambient environment for installation inside the Controller Box.
Inspection point at installation
- Is the connection cable connector connected completely?
- Is not the connection cable connector loose?
- Is the mounting metal hasp mounting securely?
- Is not obvious scratches or dirt seen on the gasket?
6.7 Backlight Replacement
The backlight of the Operator Panel display cannot be replaced be users. Please contact us for
backlight replacement.
6.8 Maintenance Parts List
Part Name Code Standard
OP1 type A (Euro-American specification) R12B120001 OP1TypeA
OP1 type B (Japanese specification) R12B120002 OP1TypeB
OP1 cable 3m R13B020009 OP1_Cable3M
OP1 gasket R13B031222 OP1_Gasket01