
Page 4 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13705 QNX Photon v2.0 Display Driver
X27A-E-005-01 Issue Date: 01/09/10
Building the Photon v2.0 Display Driver
The following steps build the Photon v2.0 display driver and integrate it into the QNX
operating system. These instructions assume the QNX developer environment is correctly
installed and the developer is familiar with building for the QNX operating system.
Unpack the Graphics Driver Development Kit Archive
1. Install the QNX ddk package using the Package Manager utility.
For information about the Drivers Development Kit contact QNX directly.
2. Once the ddk package is installed, copy the directory tree /usr/src/gddk_v1.0 into the
Project directory.
3. Change directory to Project/gddk_1.0/devg.
4. Unpack the display driver files using the commands:
#gunzip S1D13705.tar.gz
#tar –xvf S1D13705.tar
This unpacks the files into the directory Project/gddk_1.0/devg/S1D13705.
Configure the Driver
The file s1d13705_8.h contains register values required to set the screen resolution, color
depth (bpp), display type, etc. The s1d13705.h file included with the drivers may not
contain applicable values and must be regenerated. The configuration program 13705CFG
can be used to build new s1d13705_8.h files.
S1d13705.h should be created using the configuration utility 13705CFG. For more in-
formation on 13705CFG, see the 13705CFG Configuration Program User Manual,
document number X27A-B-001-xx available at www.erd.epson.com.
Build the Driver
The first time the driver is built, the following command ensures that all drivers and
required libraries are built. At the root of the Project source tree, type make.
To build drivers for X86 NTO type ‘OSLIST=nto CPULIST=x86 make’.
Further builds do not require all libraries to be re-built. To build only the S1D13705 display
driver, change to the directory gddk_1.0/devg/S1D13705 and type make.