EPSON AcuLaser C1100 Revision B
TROUBLESHOOTING FIP according to the printer message 131
Engine Related (E)
Service Req E527 Deve Home Position Sensor Error
45 (p.198)
PWBA MCU could not receive signals output from Rotary Home Position Sensor within the specified time after rotation of Rotary
Service Req E530 Humidity Sensor Error
55 (p.211)
When the Input from SENSOR HUM & TEMP is out of specification.
Service Req E533 Temp Sensor Error
54 (p.211)
SENSOR HUM & TEMP detected a temperature below -7°C or over 55°C.
Service Req E537 Fuser Fail
53 (p.210)
• Control Thermistor detected a temperature exceeding the specified temperature.
Safety Thermistor detected a temperature exceeding the specified temperature.
• The Control Thermistor did not detect a Ready even though the specified time elapsed from Main Lamp ON at Warm Up.
• The Main Lamp continues to stay lit even after time specified for the Main Lamp elapsed after the Control Thermistor detected a
• The Control Thermistor detected a temperature below the specified temperature even after the specified time elapsed from Main
Lamp ON at Warm Up.
• The latch lever of FUSER ASSY is set incorrectly.
Service Req E542 IBT CLN Fail
58 (p.216)
SENSOR IBT RETRACT cannot detect Advance/Retract of CAM ASSY-IBT CL.
Service Req E546 Duplex Motor Failure
57 (p.214)
The MOTOR ASSY DUP (Lower Roll Motor) or MOTOR ASSY DUP INV (Upper Roll Motor) of Duplex is not rotating at the
specified speed.
Service Req E547 Feed Motor Failure
56 (p.212)
DRIVE ASSY FEED (Feed Motor) of the Feeder is not rotating at the specified speed.
Service Req E998 Engine Communication Error
78 (p.237)
Acommunication error between the controller and the PWBA MCU via the video I/F occured
Table 3-3. List of Service Request
Class Panel Messaeg Description See FIP