Install the Printer Software
Now you need to install the printer software for Windows
or Windows 3.1 from the EPSON printer software CD-ROM.
If you don’t have a CD-ROM drive, you can:
◗ Create install diskettes from the CD-ROM using another
computer. Just run the MAKE_FD.EXE program in the
Drivers directory on the CD-ROM and follow the
instructions on the screen.
◗ Download your printer software or order it on diskettes
from EPSON. See the ordering sheet in your printer box.
In addition to the printer software, the CD-ROM contains
EPSON Answers and the EPSON Look Your Best Color Pak
Electronic Suite.
EPSON Answers is a comprehensive online guide that
◗ How To for step-by-step printer operating instructions.
◗ Color Guide with practical color printing information.
◗ Problem Solver to help you fix printer problems.
◗ Test Print so you can check your print quality.
The Look Your Best Color Pak Electronic Suite is an online
bundle full of creative software for making T-shirts, banners,
magnets, and other great creations. You’ll also get fonts,
photos, and iron-on art as well as EPSON Extra Value Coupons
and the scoop on EPSON products and supplies.
(If you install the printer software from diskettes created from
the CD-ROM or ordered from EPSON, EPSON Answers and the
Look Your Best Color Pak Electronic Suite are not installed.)
Let EPSON Answers be
your on-screen guide to
your new printer—it puts
you on the right track
quickly and easily. It
opens automatically after
you install your printer
software from the
CD-ROM. To run it again
later, click its icon in the
EPSON folder or program
After running EPSON
Answers, click this icon in
your EPSON program
group or folder to run the
Look Your Best Color Pak
Electronic Suite and install
your creative software
programs. If you need
help with your creative
software, click "How to
get help" in the Look Your
Best Color Pak program
for contact information.
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