Chapter 3
Using the T-750 with Application Programs
Now that you’ve set up and tested the printer, you need to start
using it with your application programs.
Printer Selection Menus
Most application programs let you specify the type of printer you’re
using so that the program can take full advantage of the printer’s
features. Many programs provide an installation or setup procedure
that presents a list of printers to choose from. The T-750 uses the same
command set as the Epson FX-286e. If the menu does not list this
printer, choose one of the following. They are listed in order of
EX-1000 or EX-800
FX-185 or FX-85
FX-lOO+ or FX-80+
FX-100 or FX-80
Epson printer
Draft printer
If you plan to use the IBM printer emulation mode, choose IBM
Proprinter XL, IBM Proprinter, IBM Graphics printer, or IBM printer,
in that order of preference.
Using the T-750 with Application Programs