Paper roll Bit-image commands GS ( L GS 8 L
Ver. 10.01 p. 233
GS ( L pL pH m fn d1 d2 <Function 64 >
[Name] Transmit the key code list for defined NV graphics.
[Format] ASCII GS ( L
pL pH mfnd1d2
Hex 1D284C040030404B43
Decimal 29 40 76 4 0 48 64 75 67
[Range] (
× 256) = 4 (
= 4,
= 0)
= 48
= 64
= 75
= 67
[Description] Transmits the defined NV graphics key code list.
• This function does require ESC/POS Handshaking Protocol.
■ When key codes are present, the data shown below (beginning with Header and ending with NUL) is sent.
(*1) When the number of NV graphics data groups exceeds 40, the groups are divided into blocks in
compliance with the following conventions:
• When unsent data is present, the Identification status byte (byte 3) is set to hexadecimal value 41H and
decimal value 65.
• When unsent data is not present, the Identification status byte (byte 3) is set to hexadecimal value 40H
and decimal value 64.
Send data Hexadecimal Decimal Data length
Header 37H 55 1 byte
Identifier 72H 114 1 byte
Identification status (*1) (*2) 40H or 41H 64 or 64 1 byte
Data (*3) 30H to 39H 48 to 57 2 to 80 bytes
NUL 00H 0 1 byte