Paper roll Miscellaneous commands GS I
Ver. 10.01 p. 459
■ Printer ID is distinguished from other send data by bits 4 and 7. When the data sent from printer after
printing GS I is "0xx0xxxx" (x = 0, 1), the printer processes the data as printer ID.
[Notes for printer information A]
■ Printer information A (n = 33, 96) consists of [Header ~ NUL] as shown in the following table:
(*1) The identifier is transmitted as the transmitted parameter n of this command.
Example: When type information is specified (n = 33), the identifier is [hex = 21H/decimal = 33].
(*2) If the printer information cannot be transmitted, the printer transmits 3-byte code of [Header +
Identifier + NUL].
The printer information A of type information (n = 33) is 2 bytes of data as shown in the following tables.
Transmitted data Hex Decimal Amount of data
Header 3DH 61 1 byte
Identifier(*1) 20H ~ 2FH 32 ~ 47 1 byte
Printer information A (*2) Depends on printer model Depends on printer model 0 ~ 80 bytes
NUL 00H 1 byte
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function
0 Off 00 0 Multi-byte code character (Kanji) is not
... how to use
this table
On 01 1 Multi-byte code character (Kanji) is supported.
1 Off 00 0 Autocutter is not installed.
On 02 2 Autocutter is installed.
2 Off 00 0 DM-D (Customer display) is not connected.
Off 04 4 DM-D (Customer display) is connected.
3 ~ 5 - - - Reserved.
6 On 40 64 Fixed.
7 Off 00 0 Fixed.