Setting Up the Printer 1–15
Changes in DIP switch settings (excluding switches 2-7 and 2-8)
are recognized only when the printer power is turned on or when the
printer is reset by using the interface. If the DIP switch setting is
changed after the printer power is turned on, the change does not
take effect until the printer is turned on again or is reset.
If DIP switch 2-7 or 2-8 is turned on while the printer is turned on,
the printer may be reset, depending on the signal state.
DIP switches should not be changed while the printer power is on.
1-6 Parity selection Even Odd
1-7, 1-8 Transmission speed (see table below)
Transmission Speed
Transmission Speed (BPS)-bits per second 1-7 1-8
2400 ON ON
4800 OFF ON
9600 ON OFF
19200 OFF OFF
DIP Switch Set 2
Switch Function ON OFF
2-1 Handshaking (BUSY condition)
Receive buffer
Off line or receive
buffer full
2-2 Not defined — —
Select number of characters per
line (CPL) 7 9 font/9 9 font
2-4, 2-5 Not defined — —
2-6 Internal use — Fixed to Off
2-7 Interface pin 6 reset signal Enabled Disabled
2-8 Interface pin 25 reset signal Enabled Disabled
DIP Switch Set 1
Switch Function ON OFF