6-2 Issue 05, 02/00 Krautkramer USN 52R/USN 52L
6.1 Printing instrument settings
and display contents
Using a common EPSON printer or an Epson
compatible printer, the USN 52R/USN 52L offers you
the opportunity to create a printout of the complete
current display including the echo indications.
In addition to this, all settings of the active data set can
be printed out for documention purposes.
To do this you will need :
• a printer with serial interface RS 232 C
• a cable for data transfer (TGDL/PC)
• an adaptor/gender changer GCH1 resp. GCH2
(refer to Chapter 2)
Preparing the printer
In the center function group of the right function table
set the transfer rate (BAUD RATE), the word length
(LENGTH) and the parity test (PARITY) to the suitable
BAUD RATE Transfer rate
• 300 Baud
• 600 Baud
• 1200 Baud
• 2400 Baud
• 4800 Baud
• 9600 Baud
LENGTH Word length
• 7 data bits
• 8 data bits
PARITY Parity test
The default settings are given in bold-face.
Printing instrument settings and display contents
6-2 Issue 05, 02/00 Krautkramer USN 52R/USN 52L
6.1 Printing instrument settings
and display contents
Using a common EPSON printer or an Epson
compatible printer, the USN 52R/USN 52L offers you
the opportunity to create a printout of the complete
current display including the echo indications.
In addition to this, all settings of the active data set can
be printed out for documention purposes.
To do this you will need :
• a printer with serial interface RS 232 C
• a cable for data transfer (TGDL/PC)
• an adaptor/gender changer GCH1 resp. GCH2
(refer to Chapter 2)
Preparing the printer
In the center function group of the right function table
set the transfer rate (BAUD RATE), the word length
(LENGTH) and the parity test (PARITY) to the suitable
BAUD RATE Transfer rate
• 300 Baud
• 600 Baud
• 1200 Baud
• 2400 Baud
• 4800 Baud
• 9600 Baud
LENGTH Word length
• 7 data bits
• 8 data bits
PARITY Parity test
The default settings are given in bold-face.
Printing instrument settings and display contents