
Available Image Adjustments - Full Auto Mode
You can select these image adjustment options in Epson Scan Full Auto Mode.
Dust Removal
Removes dust marks from your originals automatically.
Color Restoration
Restores the colors in faded photos automatically.
Auto Photo Orientation
Checks the preview image for faces, the sky, and other features, and then correctly rotates the photo
when it is scanned, if necessary. (If your photo is not oriented correctly using this option, deselect this
option and scan again.)
Parent topic: Scanning in Full Auto Mode
Scanning in Home Mode
When you scan in Home Mode, Epson Scan automatically saves your scanned file in JPEG format in
your operating system's Pictures or My Pictures folder, or opens it in your scanning program. You can
select settings, preview, and change the scanned file settings as necessary.
Note: You must place your original on the scanner glass when using Home Mode.
1. Start Epson Scan and select Home Mode as the Mode setting.