6 Rev. B
This manual provides instructions for configuring the
Ericsson GE Trunking Card Shelf (GETC), part number
19D901868G3 and G4, for Station (including repeater and
SCAT), Satellite Site Receiver, and VDI Control operation.
This manual is applicable to GETC (pronounced “get-
see”) hardware platforms installed in wideband or narrow
band 800 MHz, 900 MHz, UHF, and VHF stations. The
information presented includes an operational description
and procedures for installing, upgrading, and verifying the
hardware and software installed in the GETC.
The Lightning GETC (GETC1e) platform consists of
the following sub-assemblies:
• Logic Board 19D904266G1 (used with Group 3
shelf) or 19D904266G4 (used with Group 4 shelf).
• GETC Expansion Module (Turbo Board)
• Regulator Board 19C366861G2.
• Rockwell Modem 19A705178P1 (optional). (The
modem is required when the GETC is used in an
EDACS Voted or Simulcast System or if it is part
of an EDACS Network)
• GETC EPROM (U2) 349A9607G5 (Ver. 5.04).
All references to GETC in this manual refer to the
GETC1e platform and the combination of GETC Logic
board and Turbo board installed in the GETC Shelf.
The GETC software product is continuously being
improved and upgraded to include new features. The
following paragraphs provide brief descriptions of the new
features introduced by recent software releases.
Information is also provided when hardware or software
issues affect the GETC’s configuration.
For a complete description of the new or enhanced
features and its use, refer to Software Release Notes (SRN)
for the specific software release. For example, to review
release notes covering 349A9607G4 software refer to
SRN1060-4, for 349A9607G5 software refer to SRN1060-
5, etc.
The 349A9607G5 software release adds the following
features to GETC operation:
• SCAT Data (Refer to LBI-38987)
• Pro-Sound
• Enhanced MultiSite Login
• Voted Digital Interconnect (Refer to LBI-39187)
Release 5 Station GETC software adds SCAT
functionality to the Station GETC. This includes the SCAT
RF and Landline Data functions. The former SCAT GETC
software 344A3835G2 is replaced with 349A9607G5 and
its former Turbo software 344A4414G4 is replaced by Link
Turbo software 344A4414G5.
In conjunction with this software release, the
SCAT Downlink GETC software 344A3835G2
and Turbo Board software 344A4414G4 is
replaced by Link software 344A4895G5 and Turbo
software 350A1121G5, respectively. Refer to LBI-
38987 for details.
Configuration Considerations:
• Radio users must have SCAT options enabled.
• When selecting Landline data, a Rockwell modem
must be installed and EDG must be set up (refer to
EDG documentation).
• Configuration requires using PC Programmer
V4.03 and Field Macro “gtc_9505.mac” to
access applicable parameters.
Refer to LBI-38987 for complete details on configuring
SCAT systems.
The GETC Group 5 Release adds the EDACS Pro-
Sound Feature. Pro-Sound provides better end-to-end audio
quality by providing radios with a list of alternative sites
and their corresponding control channels through the use of
“adjacency information”.
The GETC has the following role in supporting the
Pro-Sound Feature: