
The BCU/CAL is based on a VMEbus computing platform with the following components:
Technico TVME 147 single-board computer based on a 68030 microprocessor
Supports BCU/CAL application processing
Interfaces to hard disk, floppy disk, and tape drive via an on-board small computer systems interface (SCSI)
with a connector on the transition module
Interfaces to the console terminal via an RS-232 serial port with a connector on the transition module
Network physical connection is 802.3 Ethernet, 10 BASE-15 (Thick Wire). A MAU may be used for
connection to a Thin Wire (coaxial) network
Internal Drives
Hard Disk: 3½" 1.2 GB
Provides configuration parameter storage
Provides call detail record (CDR) storage
Provides raw activity record (RAR) buffering/storage
Floppy Disk: 3½" 1.44 MB
Used for application program updates
Tape: 3½" 4/8 GB 4mm DAT
Provides call detail record (CDR) file archival storage
Provides general purpose file interchange with UNIX
UNIX Tar format, 512-byte tape block size, no data compression
Communications Module
Formation WANServer fv5310
Interfaces the BCU/CAL via high-speed high-level data link control (HDLC) link to the Central Activity
Module (CAM) in the Integrated Multisite and Console Controller (IMC)
System Manager Interface (CAL only)
One or Two Emulex Performance Series P2516-SLTL Terminal Servers
Communicates with the BCU/CAL over the network and with the System Manager over RS-232
Converts between Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) sockets and asynchronous serial protocol