SWS-10 Sediment Filter Wrap
Filter Wrap:
7-11/16”H x 2-13/16” Diameter
Wrap ScaleStick SSW-10:
9-9/16" x 1-5/16" Diameter
Service Flow Rate:
0.1 - 6 gpm
Maximum Temperature:
*If inlet feed water temperature is above
125°F a hot water housing must be used.
Note: Filter Wraps are not to be used in hot
water feed applications.
**The ScaleStick® trademark is used
pursuant to an agreement between PWC
Enterprises and Everpure, Inc.
Sediment Filter Wrap for SSW-10 Wrap ScaleStick
Everpure water treatment systems (excluding replaceable elements)
are covered by a limited warranty against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of five years after date of purchase.
Everpure replaceable elements (filter cartridges and water treatment
cartridges) are covered by a limited warranty against defects in
material and workmanship for a period of one year after date of
purchase. See printed warranty for details. Everpure will provide a
copy of the warranty upon request.