
Volume Calculation
The DT300 allows the user to compute room Volume.
1. Press the MEAS button to switch the meter ON. Wait several seconds and the Laser pointer
will automatically switch ON.
2. Press the button firmly twice (allow a second or so between presses).
3. A cube shape will appear with its Length side flashing indicating that a Length
measurement is to be taken.
4. Press MEAS to take the room Length measurement.
5. The cube’s Width side will now be flashing indicating that a Width measurement is to be
6. Press MEAS to switch the Laser pointer ON again.
7. Press MEAS again to take the room Width measurement.
8. The cube’s Height side will now be flashing indicating that a Height measurement is to be
9. Press MEAS to switch the Laser pointer ON again.
10. Press MEAS to take the room Height measurement.
11. Lines 1, 2, and 3 will now show the Length, Width, and Area (in ft
3 or
) respectively. Note that
the individual Height measurement is NOT displayed.
Indirect Measurements (Using Two Measurements)
The DT300 can measure the vertical height from Point 1 to Point 2 with the operator taking the
measurement from Point X. This is accomplished using two measurements.
1. Press the MEAS button to switch the meter ON.
2. Press the
button once. Wait several seconds and the Laser pointer will automatically
switch ON.
3. A right triangle shape will appear with its diagonal line flashing.
4. From exactly Point X, aim the instrument at Point 1 and press MEAS. One reading is now
complete and the bottom line of the right triangle will begin flashing.
5. From Point X, align the meter as horizontal as possible and aim for Point 2 and then press
MEAS. The laser pointer will switch ON.
6. Press MEAS again to take the second measurement.
7. The second measurement is now complete.The lower display line indicates the vertical
distance from Point 1 to Point 2.