Once a processor is inserted, to view associated parameters that define the selected
processor (such as a frequency curve) or to remove the bypass, double-click on the
processor block. This action opens a new dialog box that contains parameters for the
process (see figure22).
Figure 22. Sample Processor Dialog Box
• The
Set Defaults button discards all custom settings and
reloads the default parameters.
• The Bypass button temporarily suspends the processing without
removing the processor block. Red indicates the processor is bypassed.
By default, each processor block is bypassed when inserted (the Bypass button in the
processor dialog box is red). This can be changed for each processor block type (see
Tools > Options and the specific defaults for the processor types).
NOTE: Figure 22 is a sample of one type of dialog box. Contents and appearance
of each dialog box are unique to the processor type.
The block can be removed from the signal chain by selecting it with a single mouse click
and depressing the keyboard <Delete> key or by right-clicking and selecting Delete.
Detailed explanations of each signal chain with their processor blocks along with mix-point
operation follow in the next section.
DMP128 • Software Control 30