Saving images
The captured pictures can be saved by downloading to your computer’s hard
disk, or by printing through a lab service.
œ To save images to a computer, please see the instruction manual of the
Sanyo Software Pack (included CD-ROM).
œ To use a lab service, please contact a digital print service for digital
cameras or access an Internet print service.
Data formats
The format of data saved on the card or into the internal memory, as well as
the method of determining file names, are explained below.
œ Still image data
Data format: JPEG
File name structure: File name starts with SANY, with extension .jpg.
Ex.: SANYxxxx.jpg
xxxx represents the sequential number assigned to
the recorded image.
œ Sequential shot image data
Data format: JPEG
File name structure: File name starts with SEQT, with extension .jpg.
Ex.: SEQTxxyy.jpg
xx represents the sequential shot folder number (2
yy represents the sequential number assigned to the
recorded image (2 digits)
œ Video clip data
Data format: QuickTime Movie
File name structure: File name starts with VCLP, with extension .mov.
Ex.: VCLPxxxx.mov
xxxx represents the sequential number assigned to
the recorded image.