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Smartdrive can be adjusted to operate under a number of different conditions
OPTION ADJUSTMENT MODE may be used to customise Smartdrive.
Some of this information is available to the user in the ‘Use and Care
Manual’. For IW see Appendix E. The features that can be adjusted in this
mode are:-
a) Water Temperature
b) Rinse Options
c) Number of End of Cycle Warning Beeps GW (only)
d) Auto out of Balance Recovery – GW and MW (only)
e) Auto Water Level Adjustment - GW (only)
f) Water saver Rinse Volume Adjustment - GW (only)
NB. Phase 1-3. Entering Option Adjustment mode sets the size of Smartdrive into EEPROM
1. With Smartdrive powered on at the wall and with the LEDs off, press and hold the START / PAUSE
button. Then press the POWER button. Two quick beeps will sound and the LEDs on the front panel
will change. The controls and LEDs on the front panel will now serve different functions from the
normal wash functions.
2. Smartdrive can now be adjusted to suit the owners preference.
3. To return Smartdrive to Normal operation, press the POWER button.
7.1 Wash Water Temperature – All Phases
It is possible to adjust the water temperature of each of the wash temperature settings, i.e. Cold,
Cold/Warm, Warm, Warm/Hot, Hot. Phase 5 MW can only adjust warm. Phase 5 LW & AW are not
• Do not use the household water taps or water heater controls to vary the wash temperature. The
automatic water temperature control system fitted will compensate for variations in household water
temperature and pressure. Adjusting the water pressure or water flow with the household taps, or
adjusting the water heater temperature, WILL NOT alter the wash temperature. The method described
below is the only method by which the water temperature can be altered.
• If Smartdrive is used in an installation where only a cold water supply is available, then the cold
temperature range must be selected and the "cold water only" setting must be chosen in the option
adjustment mode. If the temperature is set at any other level, Smartdrive will expect hot water when
filling Smartdrive. As it will not detect any hot water, it will eventually display USER WARNING
that there is no hot water, but it will not pause.
• It is recommend that the hot water temperature setting on the household water heater does not exceed
C, for personal safety and product reliability. This is especially important for Phase 5 MW, LW &
AW where the ‘Hot’ setting corresponds to hot water only.