9.22 Slide Rail Replacement.
1. Remove the tub, refer section 9.6
2. Remove the required lid actuator from the slide rail being
replaced, refer section 9.21.
3. Remove the appropriate chassis trim (refer section 9.27) to
gain access to the screws of the rail being replaced.
4. Remove the 2 hex drive screws securing the rail to the chassis.
5. Tap the slide rails from underneath at the front to free from
it’s location in the chassis.
6. Pull forward to release the rear locating tabs.
7. Ret in reverse order, take care that the chassis is square
before tightening the screws.
9.23 Mains Filter Cover and PCB Mains Filter
1. Remove the lower tub, refer section 9.6
2. Release the clips on the mains lter cover and lift it o.
3. Disconnect all wiring to the PCB mains lter.
4. Remove the earth screw through the wire and the
mains lter housing to the chassis.
5. Use a screwdriver to release the clips holding the
circuit board inside the housing and lift it out.
6. Ret in reverse manner.
Flood Sensor
Water Valve
Inlet Hose
Rail Rear Locating Tabs
Hex Drive Screws