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4.3.5. Water Pressure Set Up
The DishDrawer can be set to either High(Standard) or Low inlet water pressure. The
LCD displays the current water pressure setting.
If “HP” is displayed then the setting is High Pressure.
If “LP” is displayed then the setting is Low Pressure. Low pressure is generally less
than 50kPa or equivalent to that supplied by a ceiling tank.
Push the Start/Pause button to alternate between HP and LP.
Integrated: A high beep is sounded when changing the HP, and a low beep is sounded
when changing to LP. Push Power to exit when the desired setting has been selected.
4.3.6 Dishwasher Diagnostics
Dishwasher Diagnostics can only be entered in Power Off mode, ie. When there is no
display on the LCD or the badge LED’s are off. Diagnostics is entered by holding the
Keylock and Start/Pause buttons simultaneously for 6 seconds. Ensure that Keylock
is pushed first to prevent the dishwasher from starting a wash, from a Start/Pause
There are currently four levels of diagnostics. To move to next level push Power.
Once a mode has been entered, pushing Power will exit diagnostics completely
(except Display & Show Off modes). If no mode is entered then the display will cycle
through the four levels and exit after the last. On entering diagnostic mode the first
level is Download Mode.
4.3.7 Display / Download Mode
In this mode all LED’s (except Rinse program) and LCD segments (except keylock)
are illuminated.
4.3.8 Optical LED Download / Fault Display
An optical data download is available here to download all EE data to a PC via the
Rinse Program Red LED. Hold the reader pen over the Rinse Program LED and press
Start / Pause to initiate the download. A short beep indicates the start and finish of
The last two faults are displayed on the LCD during the optical download, with the
Current Fault code displayed first followed by the Previous Fault Code.