
Frozen food care
Freezing temperatures allow food to be kept for longer periods
than when refrigeration temperatures are used. This is because:
The growth of bacteria, moulds and yeasts is stopped
Chemical and biochemical reactions are severely restricted.
Fast freezing of food
The faster you freeze your fresh food, the better the quality of the end product. During the
freezing process ice crystals form within fresh food cells. These crystals can expand to a point
where they break down the cell walls. This can cause ‘drip loss’ on thawing. Freezing food rapidly
ensures that these ice crystals are kept as small as possible to retain quality of frozen foods.
Less drip loss means a more moist, more tender product on thawing, therefore retaining more of
its nutritional value.
Freezer storage times are dependent not only on temperature but also on the quality of food
being stored and the use of the correct moisture and vapor-proof packaging.
Food storage tips – frozen food