• Fit the seat bar to the back of the seat.
• Insert four screws through the seat bar and into the seat.
Tighten the screws.
Seat Bar
• “Snap” both taillights to the rear clip.
• Insert the fastener end of a short seat belt strap through the
slot near the outer edge of the seat. Make sure the side of the
seat belt with the fastener faces the outer edge of the seat.
• Pull the short seat belt strap completely through the slot until
the last T-loop at the opposite end of the belt catches against
the slot. You will pull one T-loop through the slot.
• Repeat this procedure to assemble the other short seat
belt strap.
• Insert each fastener end of the long seat belt strap through
each slot in the center of the seat. Make sure the fasteners
face the outer edge of the seat.
• Pull each side of the long seat belt strap evenly through the
slots. Make sure to pull each T-loop through a slot.
Long Seat Belt
Short Seat Belt
• Insert the tabs on the front edge of the seat into the slots
inside the vehicle.