FortiGate-5140 and 5050 base backplane communication
FortiSwitch-5003A and 5003 Fabric and Base Backplane Communications Guide
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FortiGate-5140 and 5050 base
backplane communication
The FortiGate-5140 chassis and the FortiGate-5050 chassis have two base
backplane Ethernet channels. Available connections to these channels vary by
hub/switch slot number.
• Hub/switch slot 1 can connect to the first base backplane channel, and thereby
all other chassis slots, except hub/switch slot 2.
• Hub/switch Slot 2 can connect the to the second base backplane channel, and
thereby all other chassis other slots, except hub/switch slot 1.
• Other slots can connect to either or both channels, but only directly reach
hub/switch slot 1 or hub/switch slot 2. Connections to other slots through the
base backplane channels must pass through hub/switch slot 1 or hub/switch
slot 2.
Because of the base backplane dual star topology, connecting to or through the
base backplane requires FortiSwitch-5003A or 5003 boards installed in
hub/switch slot 1, hub/switch slot 2, or both.
FortiSwitch-5003A boards switch base backplane traffic between boards in other
slots. FortiSwitch-5003A front panel base interfaces can also connect the chassis
base backplane to external entities, such as a management computer, the
network, or the base backplane of another chassis.
FortiSwitch-5003 boards switch base backplane traffic between boards in other
slots. FortiSwitch-5003 front panel ZRE interfaces can also connect the chassis
base backplane to external entities, such as a management computer, the
network, or the base backplane of another chassis.
Note: For more information on chassis architecture, see ATCA (Advanced Telecom
Computing Architecture) specifications.
Note: The FortiSwitch-5003A board and the FortiSwitch-5003 board provide the same
base backplane switching capabilities. All of the configurations described in this section
could be accomplished with either of these boards. The only exception is that the
FortiSwitch-5003A board supports VLAN-tagged traffic on the base channel while the
FortiSwitch-5003 board does not.
Table 12: Names of base backplane interfaces by FortiGate model
Model Name of base backplane
interface 1 (to slot 1)
Name of base backplane
interface 2 (to slot 2)
FortiGate-5001A base1 base2
FortiGate-5005FA2 base1 base2
FortiGate-5001FA2 port9 port10
FortiGate-5001SX port9 port10