PAS Security code set up: (0 ÷ 999)
tPb Type of probe: it displays the probe used (NTC or PTC) (readable only)
rEL Release code (readable only)
Ptb Parameter code (readable only)
Printer Management
The instrument XB570L can drive the serial printer XB05PR by means of the RS232 output. So temperatures
measured during a freezing cycle can be printed.
The internal Real Time clock of the instrument provides time reference.
The “Prt” functions manages the printer by means of the following parameters:
Prt: printer presence: (Yes/no) it enables or disables the printer.
itP: printing interval: (0.0÷30.0 min).
PbP: which probe has to be printed: (iP: Only the insert probe; rP: Only the thermostat probe; irP: Insert and
thermostat probes; irE: All the probes.
PtH: Printing during the holding phase (yES, no) yES = Printing enabled during the holding phase; no = Printing
disabled during the holding phase.
NOTE: Although the controller is capable of several features ie. HACCP recording and output, it is intentional by
Foster that these have not been developed to maintain the simplicity of operation for the end user. Therefore these
features are not offered or supported.
Alarm Signals
Mess. Cause Outputs
Data or memory failure Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged
Thermostat Probe failure
Alarm output ON; Compressor output according to parameters
“COn” and “COF”
Evaporator Probe failure
Alarm output ON; Defrost termination is timed; No temperature
control on fans.
Insert probe failure
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged; The cycle is made by
Real Time Clock data lost Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged;
Real Time Clock failure
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged; The date and the
duration of the cycle are not available.
Maximum temperature alarm Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged.
Minimum temperature alarm Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged.
Fast freezing interrupted by short power failure
Alarm output ON; The freezing cycle restart from the same point at
which was interrupted.
Fast freezing interrupted by long power failure Alarm output ON; The freezing cycle restart from the current phase.
Max duration of the cycle is expired
Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged. In any case the cycle
ends when the final temperature is reached
External alarm Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged.
Serious external alarm Alarm output ON; Other outputs OFF.
Door open alarm Alarm output ON; Other outputs unchanged.
Controller Electrical Connections