
Franke Spectra S mit Kühleinheit mittig
Spectra S with the 2-Step
Autosteam Pro for milk foam enjoyment
With Autosteam Pro, you can heat
or foam milk at the touch of a button.
Milk, air and steam are automatically
to create a perfect milk
The temperature and
air supply can be
individually programmed for each
Milk foam at the touch of a button
The freely programmable buttons can
be used for Autosteam Pro. Whether
preparing Cappuccino or Latte Art – you
obtain precisely the milk foam quality
you need. And thanks to the tempera-
ture sensor, it will always be at the right
Personalized enjoyment
With the 2-Step approach, you can
readily offer different milk types.
Even soy and lactose-free milk can
be foamed at the touch of a button.
Clean and safe
Unlike conventional steam wands,
the innovative and high quality materials
used in Franke equipment minimize
heat transfer in the steam tube. This
prevents the milk from sticking and the
risk of scalding. And guarantees
highest hygiene and safety standards,
as well as easy daily cleaning.
Latte Art
A feast for the eyes. Thanks to the
2-Step milk system with Autosteam Pro,
you can prepare coffee and milk fully
automatically while still being able
to combine them artfully. Pamper your
guests with personal creations.
Would you like to automate beverage preparation while still being able to manu-
ally foam milk? The 2-Step approach is the complete solution without integrated
milk. The first step is to prepare the coffee beverage. In the second step, the
milk is foamed using
the Autosteam Pro steam wand. Finally, the desired bever-
age is mixed in the classical way
by hand.
spectra s WIth autosteam pro
Franke mIlk+Foam system
For eXcellent taste
Where there’s coffee, there’s milk. And where milk is an ingredient,
hygiene is essential. Whether made with fresh milk or milk powder, coffee-milk
specialities are easy to prepare. Offer your customers the greatest possible
coffee enjoyment.