TS-TPI Installation and Wiring Guide
The Turbine Pump Interface (TS-TPI) hardware has been developed to facilitate communications of
the Turbine Pump Controllers (TPC) operating conditions with the INCON Tank Sentinel Automatic
Tank Gauge (ATG) consoles via the RS-485 port.
The integration of ATG, TS-TPI and TPC allows the ATG to intervene when pumps experience
certain fault conditions by resolving the fault and enabling the pump to continue dispensing fuel. In
addition to this, the ATG keeps an alarm history to aid in troubleshooting. A technician can review an
alarm history report at the site or remotely via System Sentinel
and System Sentinel Anyware
The TS-TPI requests status and fault conditions of the TPCs. This information is transmitted to the
ATG on demand. The ATG can then make this status available for purposes of:
● Displaying, Printing and Faxing Pump Controller Status
● Resetting Pump Controllers
● Making Pump Controller Status available to System Sentinel
and System
Sentinel Anyware
● Basic Operation Features
There are several basic operation features listed below and detailed further in separate chapters of
this manual.
Monitor, Record and Reset Pump Controller Faults
The primary feature is that the ATG maintains the state of the Pump controller such that it continues
to run and function without user intervention. The Pump Controller will stop a pump when a fault
condition exists. The ATG monitors pump controllers through the RS-485 port for fault conditions.
When fault conditions are received, the ATG will manage them by reporting alarms, silencing the
audible alarms on the controllers, and resetting the controller when appropriate.
Fault Diagnostic Capabilities
The secondary feature provides fault detection diagnostics. The ATG will take control of the pumps
when certain fault conditions are active in the ATG. For example, if a site has multiple tanks of the
same product and one of the tanks gets overfilled, the ATG will make the over filled tank the priority
tank, even if it is not programmed as the priority tank, until the over fill conditon is corrected. Pump
Controller alarms have been added to the alarm processing code of the tank gauge.
Level Management
The third feature allows a customer to utilize the ATG to control the “mode” the pumps use to draw
down product in two or more tanks with the same product. The “Leveling Mode” alternates the
pumps so that the tank levels are equal as the tanks are being drawn down. The “Priority Mode”
gives one pump priority over the others while it draws product down. A pump remains in “Priority
Mode” until an user specified reserve percentage level is reached. The tank gauge then gives
priority to another pump and it then draws down the product from another tank.