Hotline Email
België (NL)* 0 78 25 00 00 supportnl@freecom.com
Belgique (F)* 0 78 25 00 01 supportfr@freecom.com
Belgien (D)* 0 78 25 00 02 supportde@freecom.com
Danmark 33 11 42 00 supportint@freecom.com
Deutschland & Österreich +49 (0) 20 37 68 09 50 supportde@freecom.com
France +33 (0) 1 34 04 72 05 supportfr@freecom.com
Nederland +31 (0) 1 58 88 01 10 supportnl@freecom.com
Norge 62 82 13 67 supportint@freecom.com
Schweiz (D) +41 (0) 8 48 88 99 10 supportde@freecom.com
Suisse (F) +41 (0) 8 48 88 77 10 supportfr@freecom.com
Suomessa 03 - 6 10 13 82 supportint@freecom.com
Sverige 08 - 29 66 00 supportint@freecom.com
United Kingdom & Ireland +44 (0) 14 23 70 47 15 supportuk@freecom.com
USA +1 501 548 48 49 support.usa@freecom.com
other countries +31 (0) 1 58 88 01 10 supportint@freecom.com
* (alléén in België/seulement pour la Belgique/nur in Belgien)
Freecom Internet Service
Freecom Technologies has made the following service available on the
Internet, at www.freecom.com:
Online information about technical information
current product information
Drivers, driver updates and software information
Support Hotline
The following hotlines are available if you are still unable to get your
Freecom Beatman Flash to work properly after reading the manual and the
suggestions for troubleshooting: