
Functions of individual components
Gas extractor (type; ZBA):
With heating type stainless steel filter; standard diameter 40µm for filter.
Gas conditioner (type; ZBH9)
For separating drain and removing sulfuric acid mist and oil mist or fine dust particles. Besides, for
preventing aspiration of drain at clogging of extractor filter or sampling pipe, and activating composite
operation of constant-pressure bubbler for maintaining a constant sample supply to analyzer.
Aspirator (type; ZBG8)
For aspirating sample gas (sample gas flow rate: about 2N/min.)
Electronic gas cooler (type; ZBC)
An electronic dehumidifier which dries the moisture in sample gas to a dew point of aproximately 2°C.
Converter (type; ZDL):
Added to the NO
analyzer. A converter using a special catalyst which converts NO
gas into NO. The
catalyst must be renewed annually (built in the temperature regulator).
Solenoid valve (type; AB21)
Used for the introduction of calibration gas.
Memberane filter (type; ZBBM)
Eliminates fine dust particles with glass-fiber or flouropore filter, and permits monitoring dust adher-
ing condition on the front of the body.
Flow meter (type; ZBD)
Ajusts and monitors standard flow rate of sample gas.
Standard gas (type; ZBM):
Reference gas used for calibrating zero and span of the analyzer. When using a zirconia oxygen meter,
this is used together with air for calibrating zero for NO, SO
, and CO and for calibrating span for O
Zirconia O
sensor (type; ZFK3, 4)
Used in combination with the infrared analyzer. Outputs about 0V at measurement of the air, and an
inverse logarithm of about 1V at measurement of 0.05% O
Pressure control valve (type; ZBD35)
Sample gas pressure is controlled to 49kPa to maintain a constant flow rate.