[] Deletinq Pictures
To delete individual pictures, multiple selected
pictures, or all pictures, press MENU/OK,select _
[] ERASE(_ 71),and choosefromtheoptionsbe-
low. Note that deleted pictures can not be recov ........................................................................
ered. Copy important pictures to a computer or other storage device before
Option Description
Press the selector left or right to scroll through pictures and press MENU/OR
to delete the current picture (a confirmation dialog is not displayed).
Highlight pictures and press MENU/OKto select or deselect (pictures that
SELECTEDFRAMES are protected or in a print order are shown by El). When the operation is
complete, press DISP/RACKto display a confirmation dialog, then highlight
OK and press MENU/OKto delete the selected pictures.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed; highlight OK and press MENU/OKto
delete all unprotected pictures (if a memory card is inserted, only the pic-
ALLFRAMES tures on the memory card will be affected; the pictures in internal memory
are only deleted if no memory card is inserted). Pressing DISP/RACKcancels
deletion; note that any pictures deleted before the button was pressed can
not be recovered.
Protected pictures carl not be deleted. Remove protection from any pictures you
wish to delete (_ 75).
If amessageappearsstating that tile selected images arepart of a DPOFprint order,
pressMENU/OKto delete the pictures.
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