3-18 User’s Manual
Parallel menu
Acknowledge The timing of the ACK signal against the
BUSY signal
Bi-direction Bi-directional Centronics interface mode
NPAP mode Whether the NPAP commands are used. When
using MarkVision, the NPAP mode must be
Auto or On.
Serial menu
Baud rate Data transfer speed on the serial interface
Format Data format for the serial interface. The first
digit indicates the number of data bits. Then
comes the parity and the last digit indicates the
number of stop bits.
Flow control Interface protocol
Network menu
NPAP mode Whether the NPAP commands are used. When
using MarkVision, the NPAP mode must be
Auto or On.
BootP Whether the TCP/IP protocol that enables a
workstation to find its IP address is enabled or
disabled for the network adapter
IP address A unique address of the printer in the TCP/IP
network environment
IP netmask Bit mask that logically subdivides the network,
specifying a local network portion of the IP
IP gateway A unique address of the equipment for the
gateway to outside of the enclosed environment
Test menu
PCL config page Print a self-test report using PCL emulation
PCL font list Print a list of fonts available in PCL emulation
FPS config page Print a self-test report using FPS emulation
FPS font list Print a list of fonts available in FPS emulation
Clear warning
<Clear warning> print unit Clearing the print unit counter
Menu Items