Chapter 8 Commands
8.2 Update Volume Measurement Command (stxvtestcopy)
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
■ Description of operand
*1: Obtain the physical disk number according to the following procedure.
1. Start "Computer Management".
Click the [Start] – [Control Panel], then double-click [Administrative Tools], then [Computer
Management] to start.
2. Obtain the physical disk number of the target disk.
Click [Computer Management (local)] – [Storage] – [Disk Management].
The disk number of the target volume is the physical disk number.
*2: Specify the mount point using its complete path or drive letter.
■ Execution example
■ Displayed contents
Operand Description
source-disk Specifies the physical disk number of the target source disk. (*1)
mount-point Specifies the mount point of the target source disk. (*2)
C:\>"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider\bin\stxvtestcopy"
start -p 1
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.
C:\>"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider\bin\stxvtestcopy"
status -p 1
source-disk update
1 2
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.
C:\>"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider\bin\stxvtestcopy"
stop -p 1
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.
Title Description
source-disk The physical disk number of the source disk is displayed.
update The updated data amount after starting measurement is displayed in MB.
• Data backup is not performed while the amount of updates is being measured.