
4-40 Vendor unique identification code: Byte 28
Specified a vendor unique identification code. For B&W image scanning, X'00' must be specified. If other
value is specified, this scanner returns the following error:
Status: B'00001' (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Key: X'05' (ILLEGAL REQUEST) Paper size: byte 35
Specified a Paper Size. Set paper size used only in ADF mode.
Bit 7 : 0 Undefined
: 1 See Bit 6 to determine the paper size.
Bit 6 : 0 Standard document size (bits 3 to 0 effective)
: 1 Nonstandard document size (bytes 36 to 4D effective)
Bit 5 : Must be zero
Bit 4 : Must be zero
Bit 3 to 0: : Stand document size
0000 Undefined
0001 Undefined
0010 Undefined
0011 Undefined
0100 A4
0101 A5
0110 Undefined
0111 Letter
1000 Undefined
1001 Undefined
1010 Undefined
1011 Undefined
1100 Undefined
1101 B5
1110 Undefined
1111 Legal