● For Windows 2000
1 Click the [Start] button, then click [Shut down].
The [Shut Down Windows] dialog box appears.
2 Click the [Restart] button, then click [OK].
The PC is reset (restarted).
• The PC can also be reset (restarted) in the following procedure.
1 Press the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Delete] keys.
The [Windows security] dialog box appears.
2 Click [Shutdown].
The [Shut Down Windows] dialog box appears.
● Hard resetting
A hard reset is an action to reset your PC using the Reset switch. It is used to initialize peripheral
devices, such as optional cards, hard disk drive, and floppy disk drive.
1 To perform a hard reset, press the Reset switch on your PC about 1 second and then
release it.
• Hard reset your PC if it hangs for some reason and cannot be reset on the OS.
• Avoid turning off your PC at once when it hangs, of the hard disk may be damaged.
Reset switch
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