Store Commands
Complete Command List
This section outlines the entire PrintNet command set including the
command syntax, a description, and in most cases, an example for each
command listed.
NOTE: If you see the word “
” in any npsh commands, you should
substitute a “
1” unless told otherwise. This “1” represents the one
network interface (i.e., Ethernet) supported.
Store Commands
These commands change the settings stored in flash memory and do not
affect the current or working settings in memory. A power cycle is needed
before the stored settings become current.
store ifc
utp [-]li [-]rx
store ifc 1 utp li
Modify the physical UTP interface properties where li enables link
integrity and rx enables the increased receive threshold.
store ifc from default
Set all UTP settings back to factory defaults.
store ifc from current
Store all current UTP settings to flash memory so they are retained
after a power cycle. This ensures all current settings match what is
stored in flash memory.
store pserver opts [[-]jobsecurity] [jobtimeout
store pserver opts jobsecurity jobtimeout 5
If jobsecurity is disabled, any user can cancel queued jobs on the
PrintNet including guest users. If jobtimeout is set to some value
other than 0, the PrintNet will only wait this amount of
getting printer feedback. This is only used if you have a logpath port
and type set on a particular destination.