Management Commands Command Reference silent-time
This command uses to set the amount of time the management console is inaccessible after
the number of unsuccessful logon tries exceeds the threshold value.
Silent-time <0-65535>
<0-65535> - silent time (Range: 0 - 65535) in seconds.
no -
This command sets the maximum value to the default.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Line Config
7.5.3 Telnet Session Commands telnet
This command establishes a new outbound telnet connection to a remote host.
telnet <host> [port] [debug] [line] [echo]
<host> - A hostname or a valid IP address.
[port] - A valid decimal integer in the range of 0 to 65535, where the default value is 23.
[debug] - Display current enabled telnet options.
[line] - Set the outbound telnet operational mode as ‘linemode’, where by default, the
operational mode is ‘character mode’.
[echo] - Enable local echo.