
44 PRIMERGY BX600 S2 Basic Unit
Connecting External Devices Installing the Hardware
© cognitas. Gesellschft für Technik-Dokumentation mbH 2007 Pfad: H:\windows\_projekte\Bxz\Betriebsanleitung\Version_Maerz-2007\Archiv\BX600S2_en\blade-us.k04
Figure 11: Cable routing from the front to the back of the server (top view)
Server blades with SCSI boards installed via PCI expansion modules can only
be installed in slots 5 and 6 of the basic unit. This is why about 100 mm of space
is required in front of the server due to the bend radius of the SCSI cable. The
curved design of the PRIMECENTER rack door ensures that there is sufficient
room for slots 5 and 6.
Figure 12: Routing a SCSI cable
1 0 0 m m